We first make our habits, and then our habits make us. – John Dryden

Life is change. Despite that, many of us find comfort and security in the things we do repeatedly, the places we go and the people that surround us day-in and day-out.
This past week, someone moved my cheese; and not just mine.
It was announced that the gym I’ve been a member of for over 20 years would be closing down. Rents are being doubled and more, almost overnight, in the hot real estate market that is Los Angeles right now. My gym was just one of the many businesses and individuals unable or unwilling to pay the significant increases.
As the news of the closing spread, it was the intense emotional reaction from the many other long-time members that was just so interesting. Something as innocuous as the closing down of a gym, was being described as “devastating”.
Yes, for sure…a first-world problem.
But it was quickly clear that this place served an important social and emotional role for many people.
Our routines become a part of our lives and then a part of us in some strange way. For me, this place and the people in it served as the one thing in my life, for decades, that could be counted on to stay the same, despite the tumultuous winds of change that blew through the rest of my life and career. I know, it’s just a gym and we will all find something new.
As we do that, it helps to acknowledge and celebrate the strong emotional connections we have to the places, people and things that over time, become a part of who we are.
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